Devoted to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.
2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 205  Lisle, IL 60532




Founder of Parents Alliance Employment Project, Marjorie Lee with her son, Kevin Lee


The Fight for Integration 

Back in 1982, a group of parents bonded over a mission aimed for their developmentally disabled children. With no inclusion in the public school system or community, the parents joined forces to mainstream their young adults into the schools and workplaces, removing them from sheltered workshops. Staffed solely of parent volunteers, Parents Alliance Employment Project was born emphasizing integrated work with supports into businesses. 


The Rise 

With support from the community and rising success in workplace inclusion, PAEP began to grow into an accredited state provider for people with disabilities. PAEP began focusing on schools’ special education programs and adults with disabilities living in the community who were unaware of such services that can help them open doors to a working future. 



One of the original parents involved with the startup of Parents Alliance Employment Project, Sue Novicki with her son, Robbie Novicki



The Growing Future 

Today, Parents Alliance Employment Project serves not only DuPage county but over three surrounding counties helping people with disabilities find competitive employment. With 3 youth training programs that provide education, daily living, and vocational training and adult services that assist indirect employment support, PAEP has grown in the last 38 years to one of the best well known Supported Employment Providers in the county offering individuals with disabilities career counseling, job training and preparation, job development, job placement, job coaching, support, and follow up services. 


The Impact 

As a result of PAEP’s dedication to its mission over 200 individuals are assisted every year to help find meaningful employment in the community. Employers in the community gain qualified, loyal employees, increasing diversity in the workplace.


Lisa Menichino, aunt of our own Youth Program Specalist Kiersten Lira, had the honor of traveling to Austria for the 2017 Special Olympics World Games.  She returned home with a gold medal in Cross Country for Team USA - congratulations!

Read the article at the Special Olympics website.


Ronnie Cave Tribute Fund

Donate in memory of Ronnie Cave, brother of Associate Director Roger Cave to support education and awareness to families of individuals with disabilities.

To donate, please Click Here

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.


Parents Alliance Employment Project works in partnership with the workNet DuPage Career Center

CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) 

has accredited Parents Alliance Employment Project for its Employment Services: Community Employment Services in Job Development, Job Supports, and Job Site Training Programs.

We do not provide direct services through this website; it is intended for informational purposes only.

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