Devoted to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.
2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 205  Lisle, IL 60532


Family Support Group


Adults with disabilities' deal with barriers, hardships, achievements just like any other person in the community. The ones who are there to provide the support through the hardships and achievements is the families. PAEP recognizes the importance of providing support to the individual's and their families that we serve. Any client and their family who receives services through Parents Alliance Employment Project can join our Family Support and Resource group and be a part of a supportive community to help navigate through any barriers that come their way. Family support groups give a chance for people who are directly affected by a particular issue, illness, or circumstance to come together and empower one another to solve problems. This group takes place 1 time a month and discusses different topics that the group is interested in. If you are wanting more information, contact your Employment Specialist or Traci Bradley at

Family Resource Group is taking a break!

Parents Alliance is hoping our Family Resource Group will resume soon! Check out some of the resources below!


Parent Testimonials

"It was a great topic tonight and right on target where most of us are or are going to be shortly. It's very nice to have a place and/or person to know where you can go and ask directions now that our kids are no longer in school. I really appreciate all that you do."

Penny Boyle, Parent


Family Support Group Inquiries

Submit  your RSVP or further inquiries regarding our Support Group here.

Full Name:
How can we help you?

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through individualized employment services.


Parents Alliance Employment Project works in partnership with the workNet DuPage Career Center

CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) 

has accredited Parents Alliance Employment Project for its Employment Services: Community Employment Services in Job Development, Job Supports, and Job Site Training Programs.

We do not provide direct services through this website; it is intended for informational purposes only.

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